Dave McCarville


Dave McCarville is an Insurance agent in Sidney Nebraska

Contact Dave

(308) 254-4928
extension: 810

Your Insurance Agent in Sidney Nebraska!

Dave McCarville has worked in the insurance industry since 1978, when he began a career with the Grand Island Trust Co. after four years teaching in the Grand Island Public Schools. 

Dave grew up in Oshkosh, Nebraska, and participated in basketball and track at Doane College (now Doane University), where he graduated with a BA degree. He moved to Sidney in 1982 to manage and later buy the Insurance Center. 

Dave and his wife, Joydene, have 4 children; Kirstin, Kylie, Brett and Kaitlyn.  He has been very involved in youth activities and the Cheyenne County Community Center and Foundation, as well as other community organizations. 

Dave does enjoy an occasional round of golf.