Pasture and rangeland covers 55 percent of all u.s. land
As much as you hear about “Grass Fed” this and “Free Range” that being en vogue, grazing animals on naturally growing grasses has never fallen out of fashion. But just because Pasture, Rangeland and Forage acres aren’t planted in rows and fertilized doesn’t mean they don’t have a variable yield. If the rain doesn’t come, a grazing operation’s only recourse may be Pasture, Rangeland and Forage Insurance.
What is Pasture, Rangeland and Forage Insurance?
PRF is a crop insurance policy that protects grasslands or wild haying meadows that are meant as feed for livestock against lack of precipitation. These are policies designed to insure the person with interest in the livestock being fed – not the land the feed comes from – and only insure against below-average precipitation.
Pasture, Rangeland and Forage Insurance is a service of the USDA Risk Management Agency, sold by certified insurance brokers like Plummer Insurance.
What Does PRF Insurance Cover?
Pasture, Rangeland and Forage Insurance is designed to be a single-peril policy, meaning that it only insures against lack of precipitation. The calculation for lack of precipitation is determined by an area-based rainfall index using data from the NOAA Climate Prediction Center. If an area is determined to have had below average rainfall, all ranchers within the area will recieve payments, even if their particular ranch received a surplus of rain.
Does Lack of Precipitation Just Mean Drought?
Drought declarations according to the drought monitor take factors beyond precipitation into account, such as abnormally high temperatures or windy conditions. PRF Insurance ONLY covers lack of precipitation, regardless of a drought declaration.
Is Pasture, Rangeland and Forage Insurance a year-long policy?
Producers choose periods of the year (at least 2, two-month periods) during which precipitation is most vital for coverage. A local crop insurance agent should know the precipitation trends and rainfall indices in your area.
Am I Eligible for Pasture, Rangeland, and Forage Insurance?
PRF is available in all 48 contiguous US states. Our Crop Insurance team is available to answer questions about eligibility, policy terms, coverage limits and to get you started on a quote. Call Today!